About a year later the guy rage quit a week before he was getting ready to get laid off.

Anytime I see a bingo board all I can think of is office Indonesia bingo. He kept going without suspecting a thing.

But in this current pandemic, when going out of the house is highly risky, we were wondering if you could play this fun game indoors This article covers how to organize and play a Scavenger hunt over a Zoom video call. After about 15 minutes a loud BINGO is shouted from the audience, resulting in a mix of awws and laughter. This bingo card has a free space and 29 words: "It was in the email I sent out", "Can you email that?", (don't start on time), "You're still sharing your screen.", (adult beverage reference), (Someone not muted and typing hard), "I think there's internet problems", (Child or animal noises), "can you/anyone hear me?", "No, it's still loading", "Can everyone mute themselves?", "I'm sorry I was on mute", (anyone laughing at inappropriate time), (Sound cuts in and out), (reference to more bathroom breaks at home), "I'll have to get back to you", "Can everyone see my screen?", (Echo/Feedback noise), "Can you repeat that?", (start on time), "Is _ on the call?", "How do you mute?", "We are a family here" (reference), (praise to any staff member), "Self-care", "Don't work too hard", (LSU reference), "Use Google Meets, don't use Zoom" then contradict and allow use Zoom if passwords are sent and Google doc for questions is not editable. We do Scavenger hunts are a super fun way to kill the time, with family and friends alike. Try playing Conference Call Bingo in your next phone meeting.